NDS report highlights support providers concerns


IDS shares the concerns highlighted in the NDS State of the Disability Sector Report. Key issues included price; the costs associated with change, poor quality NDIS plans and difficulties with the payment portal.

Two-thirds of support providers are concerned they won’t be able to provide services at the current prices. One in five organisations says they will stay in the disability sector but are not focused on growth, while one in 10 says they are considering getting out of the sector.

Opinions on government handling of the NDIS have become more negative in the past year. 74 percent of respondents said the government is not anticipating or responding to the needs of organisations.

The quality of participant plans has been a significant problem. The pressure to process people quickly has led to short-cuts, telephone planning instead of face-to-face planning. IDS recommends that all our clients meet face to face with their NDIS planner and are happy to come along with our clients to their planning meeting.

Another significant issue will be recruiting workers, in particular, if we are to ensure we have appropriately qualified staff. Across the sector working hours remain low and working conditions are under pressure, making it tough to attract and retain staff. IDS is addressing this issue by increasingly offering our support workers permanent full and part-time employment.

On a positive note where we have accompanied our clients to meetings, we have been able to assist them with their negotiations. Resulting in clients who have been able to broaden the scope of their supports.

The NDIS does, and will continue to offer significant benefits to people with a disability, providing security and opportunity. It was to be expected there would be teething problems. The reality is that the schemes it replaces were far from perfect. It was also to be expected that there would be attrition within the disability sector. IDS will continue to work to secure our place as a provider of choice by ensuring the support we provide always meets our client’s needs and expectations. However, we recognise we cannot be all things to all people, and that there are areas where it will be beneficial for us to partner with other organisations to ensure that together we are delivering the services that meet the objectives of our clients.

While the overall findings in the NDS are negative from the viewpoint of disability providers, we are convinced the scheme will eventually meet its guiding principles – Giving people with disability choice and control. By working together, listening and learning, we will be able to provide a service that is sustainable and meets the needs of people with disability.

View the complete report: https://www.nds.org.au/news/state-of-the-disability-sector-report-2017-reflects-sector-under-pressure



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